Clipping Path Pro - Top Menu
  • correction masksCorrection Masks
  • clipping pathClipping path Transparent
  • vector graphicsVector Graphics
  • soft maskSoft Mask Partial transparent
  • image shadingImage Shading
  • image stitchingImage Stitching
  • clipping pathClipping path Transparent
  • color correctionColor Correction Changing ribbons color from red to black
  • clipping pathClipping path Super complex
  • vector graphicsVector Graphic Super complex
  • clipping pathClipping path In-Clipping with restoration of missing parts
  • image editingImage Editing
Clipping Path Pro - Services
Correction Masks

The masking of photograph is used for isolating any part of a photograph from the remainder of the photograph where the edges are not sharp or well defined. It may be the whole image or just a portion of that. The process of image masking is a long and time consuming process and depends much on the image and the section to be masked.

image masking Correction Masks

At Clipping Path Pro generally Adobe Photoshop is used for image masking. We use different masking techniques for different tasks based on the images and criteria’s. Alpha channel masking, Collage Masking, Complex Layer Masking, Transparency masking, knockout masking etc. are frequently used masking techniques.

Clipping Path Pro is a trademark™ of the Graphic Professionals Co. Ltd. [ Scandinavian owned and managed ]
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